Little Diva!
Sydney waiting for her waitress
Rylee taking Sydney's order
May I help you please?
May I help you please?
Rylee setting up the table for her guests.
Today we just kind of hung around the house. I felt like I was nesting. For some reason, I got the urge to do baseboards and dee cleaning all day long. I never really sat down or felt tired. I just kept going. So while I was cleaning, the girls were doing the girly things they love best, play dress-up and with their little kitchen set. It is a daily thing for them to pull out all of the dress-up clothes and prance around in their clickety shoes. I tried to snap a few pictures, but only got a good one of Rylee. Then they played restaurant outside on the deck. They set up their little table and took turns serving each other. Rylee got a little notepad and started taking orders. It was really cute. When I took my cleaning breaks, I visited their restaurant for a snack or a meal. It is so cute to see them play together. Hopefully they will always enjoy each other and spending time together.
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