Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Up all day

Didn't I just say yesterday that Kamryn was sleeping a lot? Well, today she had other plans. She took a really good morning nap, which allowed me to get a lot of cleaning done while Rylee and Sydney were at Vacation Bible School, but she was up and fussy for a lot of the day. My friend and sorroity sister Jen stopped over to visit with her daughter Maddie, and every time Jen held her she cried. By late afternoon, I wondered if she had a little belly ache or if she just wanted to be held. Around 6:00, I decided to give her a bath. I thought that might relax her. Then we gave her Mylicon drops she seemed a little better and slept for most of the evening. I guess you when you have an easy baby you are bound to have a day like that every once in a while. I am sure tomorrow will be a better day for our baby girl. We still love you sweetie and thanks for stopping over Jen. We had a nice visit, and it was great to catch up. Please keep in touch. We miss you Maddie!

Quit telling stories mom, I am as happy as can be Fast asleep for a few secondsJust a litte uncomfortable today - just pick me up mommy

Sydney, Rylee, Kamryn, Jen, and Maddie


Cheryl said...

There will be fussy days like that but thank goodness for the most part she has been a happy, easy baby. I love this little outfit, I like brown, she looks like such a cutie. I received my birth announcement, it was sweet.


Cheryl said...

OOPS! Maybe that outfit was navy, forgive me you know I am getting old and can't see very well. Ha! Must be colored blind as well, oh well, whatever color, she looks adorable.
