Monday, September 8, 2008

Sydney's first day of preschool

Off to preschool! The girls wore their backpacks around all morning. They wanted to go when Rylee got on the bus. They couldn't wait to go. They were so excited. No tears, just off they went. Everything went smoothly, but how quiet my house was all morning. It was weird.

Abby and Sydney
Abby and Sydney showing off their backpacks
What a big girl!

Such a poser!
All smiles - Look out Ferry Farm

One last picture before she went inside
I thought this picture was so
sweet of them walking into school


Cheryl said...

What a cutie, you could tell there wouldn't be a problem with her heading off to school, she looks as if she can hold her own, Miss Independent. Ha! That's just how I preceive her, am I right??? A little character. ha! But she sure is cute.


Jenn Hunter said...


Your girls are so freaking adorable. You are such a lucky mom and I know you make a great one too. Colin is in First grade and it freaks me out still. I would love to catch up with you!! Email me when you get a chance!

Shannon said...

Yeah! I was so excited to hear from you. I need your email address.