Well, the kick-off to Little Miss Fancy Headbands and Hairbows began at my first craft show 2 weeks ago. I did well in sales. It was a very small show, but I started to get my name out there. I have been having such a hard time with my website. It was about 60% done, and somehow the entire thing erased, and I had to start all over again. So, I thought I would put some pictures on my blog of my display until things were up and running online. I would love for you all to pass my name along to anyone you know with little girls or to people that may be looking for gifts for little girls. Anyone that wants to see more close up pictures, I have them all individually photographed and would send emails until my website is up. I am hoping to have it up within the week.
ME and my display at the show. Thank you mom and Jan for helping pull the allnighter to get things ready. I could not have done it without you both. You are the best. Love you!
Wow Shannon, I had no clue you had made that many bows, headbands, etc. That is amazing and I am soooo proud of you, you must stay up all night and work on them. Keep up the GREAT job, when is your next show???
I have lived in Fredericksburg, Virginia for the past 10 years. Brad and I moved her to accept teaching positions. I taught for 8 years and recently made a career change. Since having children, I have wanted to be home more with them, so I started an at home daycare. Brad and I have already been blessed with 2 beautiful daughters and we are anxiously awaiting our 3rd in July.
Wow Shannon, I had no clue you had made that many bows, headbands, etc. That is amazing and I am soooo proud of you, you must stay up all night and work on them. Keep up the GREAT job, when is your next show???
Amazing! I'm going to have 2 nieces to buy for soon....let me know when your site is up and when your next show is!!
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