Thursday, July 31, 2008

What can I say, another great day.

We are really adjusting to having our sweet baby Kamryn here. Today, I actually was up, showered and had all 3 kids ready to start our day before 9 am. So, I guess it will get easier and we will get on more of a routine eventually. Brad went to work at Stafford Elementary for the last time. Summer school was over today. I think he felt a little bad leaving some of the people. He had been there for 10 years, so it was a comfortable place for him. I am sure he will make many new friends and be happy at his new school.
My friend Ali came over today to meet Kamryn, and she slept the whole time so Ali didn't want to hold her and disturb her. So we will have to get a picture with Ali next time. I was so surprised how big Sammy, her son is getting. He is one of the little boys I watch at my daycare. He is saying so many words now. I can't imagine what they will all be like in a few weeks when school starts again.

Thursday is dance day. This week it was daddy's turn to go. He was really excited about that. They all left and I had the evening alone with Kamryn. We ran a few errands, ate dinner, and started packing for our little overnight trip.

Of course rarley a day goes by when I don't snap a few pictures. Kamryn was so happy today. I got her wide awake in her little chair. This is the first 0-3 month old outfit that really fit her. She is definetly growing. Thank you Terri for the cute little outfit.

Wide awake and happy!


Jonathan said...

Kamryn is absolutely precious! I can't believe how quickly she is growing and changing. I can't believe Brad is done at SES. We will truly miss him! I was hoping he'd be Emma's teacher some day. I know he'll do great at his new school.

Cheryl said...

Kamryn is getting so big, I know they always look bigger in pics but you can tell she is growing. She is a cutie!


Christy said...

What a cutie!!! She is so alert and getting so big!! Too cute!!! I know you are enjoying her!! I just want to squeeze her!!